1979 - Art Heritage, Delhi.
1979 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
1984 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
1988 - Pokharan, Thane.
1989 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
1990 - Art Heritage, Delhi.
1992 - Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
1994 - Gallery Chemould and Jehangir
Art Gallery, Bombay.
1995 - Chemould Gallery, Calcutta.
1999 - Design Center, Thane;
Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay; Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi.
1974 - Bombay Art Society,
Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay
1975 - Bombay Art Society, Jehangir
Art Gallery, Bombay
1976 - Bombay Art Society, Jehangir
Art Gallery, Bombay.
1979 - Madhya Pradesh Kala Parishad
, Bhopal.
1981 - Place for People
Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay and Ravindra Bhavan, Delhi.
1982 - Inaugural Exhibition,
Roopankar, Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal.
- Aspects of Modern India
Art, Oxford, UK.
- Contemporary Indian Art,
Festival of India, London, UK.
- Seven Indian Artists,
Worpswede, Hanover, Hamburg, Bayreuth, Braunsweig, GERMANY
1984 - Ten Artists, Gallery 7,
1985 - Thirty Artists in the
Collection of Richardson Hindustan, Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
- Contemporary Indian
Art, Festival of India, New York, USA.
- 2 nd Conference -All India League
of Revolutionary Culture, Dhanbad,
1986 - Group exhibition organised by
Altaf, New Habib High School, Bombay.
- Festival of India, Georges
Pompidou Centre, Paris, France.
1987 - Coupe de Coeur
Geneva, Switzerland.
- Exhibition and auction of
Contemporary Indian Art by Christies for Helpage, Bombay.
1988 - Art for CRY Bombay, Calcutta,
Delhi, Bangalore.
- The Richness of Spirit
KUWAIT National Museum
1989 - The Richness of
Spirit Egyptian Academy, ROME.
- Timeless Art
exhibition and auction by Sothebys, Bombay.
- Artists Alert
exhibition for Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust, Delhi.
1990 - Gadyaparva
Exhibition Gallery Chemould, Bombay.
- An Artistic Roit - Sophia Art
Gallery, Bombay.-
1992 - Journeys within
Landscapes Sakshi Gallery , Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
- Silver Jubilee exhibition, Birla
Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta.
1993 - Parallel
Perceptions, Sakshi Gallery, Bombay.
- Shraddha Samarpan,
Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
- Trends and Images
CIMA, Calcutta.
1994 - Drawing 94 Gallery Espace,
1995 - Indian Contemporary Painting
auction by Christies, London,
- Contemporary Indian Painting from
the Herwitz Family Collection Part I, auction by Sothebys, New York, USA.
- Postcards for Gandhi Sahamat,-
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Delhi.
- Save the Children
Exhibition and auction by Sothebys, Bombay.
- Art for CRY Jehangir Art Gallery,
Bombay & Lalit Kala Akademi , Delhi.
- Bombay RPG, Jehangir
Art Gallery, Bombay.
- Art India Now Bose
Pacia Modern, New York, USA.
1996 - A tree in my life
The Village Art Gallery, Delhi.
- Contemporary Indian Painting from
the Herwitz Family Collection Part II, auction by Sothebys, New York, USA.
- Exhibition felicitating
Dnyaneshwar Nadkarni, Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
- Urban Signals, Shifting
Images Birla Century Art Gallery, Bombay; Birla Academy of Art and Culture,
- Contemporary Indian Painters
96 Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
1997 - Image Beyond
Image Glenberra Art Museum, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore, Bombay.
- Ashraya , Bangalore.
- Indian Contemporary Art -
Post-Independence, Vadhera Art Gallery, Delhi
- Christies Contemporary
Indian Art Auction, London, UK.
- The Intuitive
Logic A Festival of Contemporary Painting, Bombay
- The Intuitive
Logic II Exhibition and Auction, Bombay.
- Epic Reality , Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, USA
- Charcoal & Conte Birla Century Art
Gallery, Bombay.
1998 - Artists for Sustainable
Development Gallery Chemould, Bombay.
- Indian Contemporary Art,
(Vadhera Art Gallery), Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay.
copyright 1999 sudhir
patwardhan |